The Wheel of Time Trailer

In what will probably be the final Wheel of Time trailer for Season One until the show is released in a few weeks, we are treated to some of the similar things we’ve seen previously as well as some new things. We get more character moments and get to hear more of the Emond’s Fielders voices, instead of mostly Moraine’s, in this trailer. We also get to see more close ups of Trollocs (Narg!) and them attacking the Emond’s Field on Winternight.

I’m able to pick out a lot of the scenes and locations from the books, so that’s encouraging that the show runner has been able to retain some key things that make the novels so great. But one change that I don’t think I will ever get used to is this new design for the Waygates. it looks nothing like as described in the books and I don’t understand the need to change that. But anyways, I’m sure once the group gets inside The Ways it will be pretty cool and I’m sure there will be other aesthetic changes here and there that will be bother me and I will just have to get used to and accept.

Check out the trailer from Amazon Prime’s YouTube channel below! What do you think of what we are seeing so far?